Dear blog, It's been a while since I've checked in with everybody; my schedule is still pretty crazy. On Mondays, I have occupational therapy for my arms and hands at the new wellness center in Marina, and work with George, my physical therapist, at home. Tuesdays, I head to San Jose to work with Dr. Zhu, Sean, and Dr. Moyee from 2-6pm. This includes scalp acupuncture, an hour of body acupuncture, and three hours of intense physical therapy. I repeat this on Thursdays and Fridays. Wednesdays, I go to the Josephine Kearns Memorial pool and swim with Irving, and then come home to receive a massage from Jenny, and then body work from Marla.
I'm trying to stick to my Monday through Friday rehab schedule, and take Saturdays and Sundays for myself. I'm trying to stay positive, focus on the recovery, and keep myself busy. There are times when it is really hard, to say the least. I still find myself in denial that I am paralyzed. It seems like a temporary thing, and as long as I work hard my life will return to normal. I miss work, I miss my photography, I miss driving, I miss being alone, I miss gardening, and I really miss me.

I've been down to the Henry Miller Library for several concerts since April, and I've made it home to Big Sur. These "fun" things always bring up a roller coaster of emotions, reminding me of my past. Working with my camera is still a challenge. I've tried different things with my digital and film cameras, but have yet to find an easier way for me to do my photography. All in good time, I guess.
Regis and Kelly is no longer on the schedule, nor is playing angry birds on my ipad. I have bigger things to deal with now, like, do I have True Blood season 3 at my PO box right now? And, who will Ashley choose to marry on the Bachelorette?
Until the next post, thank you to my family and friends for your continuing support. I will walk for you.

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 6445 Carmel 93921***
***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************