"Love, Life, Light: a series of Polaroid transfers made with the help of Evynn LeValley. This series was started on my 28th birthday when I was backpacking in Pine Valley, Los Padres Forest. The idea was to document my hands every year to show my aging. After my car accident on November 1, 2010, when I suffered a spinal cord injury which left my hands impaired, this series has taken another meaning. My hands are changing monthly, becoming stronger, changing shape. Time (along with hard work and motivation) will tell how much function I will regain. I hope for full function and try not to think otherwise. The mind is a powerful tool.

May your Holiday season be filled with Love, Life and Light." - Rachael Elizabeth Short

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 161 Big Sur Ca. 93920***
***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************