For the past six months, I have been traveling up to San Jose (a 3-hour roundtrip, 3 days a week) for physical therapy and intense neuro-acupuncture, and its time for a change! I'm starting my own in- home physical therapy program, thanks to all the generous support from lots of caring people who've made this possible. A greenhouse-gym will soon be on my grandma's property in Carmel, housing my total gym, mat table, parallel bars, standing frame, and other useful recovery tools. Soon, I can eat tomatoes and work out at the same time! I'm very excited about the greenhouse, and even more excited about moving my physical therapist to Carmel, so I'll spend more time working out and much less time in the car. This will all start hopefully around November 1st, one year after my accident.
My core, arms and wrists are getting stronger, and I'm also having a lot of twitching in my thumbs. My legs have been slowly building muscle back, and I am able to lock my hips and knees, and bear weight. I have also gained some bladder control back, weeeeepeeeeee. The progress is sloooowwww, but constant. I can only expect more with my therapy moved in-house.
I continue to swim one day a week at the Josephine Kerns pool in Monterey, and hopefully can swim more once my therapy is moved to Carmel. I work on swimming, weight bearing and rolling over in the pool. I love being in the water and imagining that I am floating in the Caribbean.
I was given two little magical kitties, Honey Badger and Stiffy Goat, to roam the Carmel property, and hopefully help with our gopher problem. Friends and family have been helping with my garden, bringing some Big Sur to Carmel. I have been staying at my house in Big Sur a couple times a month, which has been really great; I miss it down there a lot.
I really can't say it enough: the continuous support of my family, friends and community is overwhelming, I feel the LOVE! Thank you!
***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 6445 Carmel 93921***
***************You can view Rachael's photographs at**************
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see a post. Was just on the site yesterday to see if you had checked in. You continue to inspire me.
(a high school friend of Derric's)
Wonderful to see your progress. Your relentless spirit is beautiful and a force to be reckoned with. Prayers and love are with you, even from a distance
ReplyDeleteSarah B :)
I am so proud of you! Love you.