It was a year ago. Lost behind the tubes and wires, Rachael lay there amongst the medical machines. She was paralyzed but not defeated. She still smiled.
In the last year Rachael did a lot of things for the first time. She breathed without being assisted by a machine. She took her first bite of solid food. She went to the gym, went outside and to the movies. She learned how to operate her body and a wheel chair. She returned home.

Today Rachael stands upright assisted by Sean Cheng, CPT who has dedicated himself to her recovery. A year later the progress Rachael has made is astounding. Looking back at the beginning of her journey it amazes all of us that a year has passed. We all have watched in awe as Rachel turned the countless challenges she faced into her many victories.

Rachael was driving to San Jose a few times a week for intensive acupuncture treatments at Dr. Zhu Acupuncture & Neurology Center. She recently completed this stage of her rehab. While, Rachael loved the treatment and the people there she is very excited to be done with the 3 hour roundtrip commute.

The therapy will continue 30+ hours a week now. 6 hours a day Monday thru Friday and a few hours on Saturday. Now the work will all be done at her home in Carmel. The time she saves on the commute will be happily invested on her continued recovery and spending time with her supportive community.

Rachael is now focusing her vision of the future toward various ideas of how to influence her community in a positive way. One idea is a a shuttle service for the Big Sur area that would provide a much needed option for people celebrating life there as a safe alternative to taking the risk of drinking and driving. Be safe and be the light.

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 161 Big Sur Ca. 93920***
***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************
i've been following your journey for the last year and your accomplishments and attitude continue to amaze and inspire me. i think your new path in life will lead to many gratifying moments and make all of those around you a better person.