Friday, November 1, 2019

9 years...huh?

Well it has been 9 years since my injury and i’m not sure how I feel about that, it seems fast but also seems like a lifetime ago. I have finally moved after what feels like forever of wondering where I would go. This has forced me to go through boxes that were packed at the time of my accident, boxes I put away and never wanted to go through. Any note I hand wrote I want to keep, remembering how simple and easy it once was to write a letter. Time to say goodbye to the camera gear, the surfboards, the snowboard, the camping gear… memories from a different life, and now it is time to “Marie Kondo” this stuff, thank these items for the joy they brought me and let them go. Saying goodbye to my truck was especially hard, and it’s so silly to be attached to a truck but it represented so much more, it’s time to let that go too. Letting these things go and moving on does make me feel better, it’s ok, everything will be fine, just different. It has been 9 years! It’s time...

With all the distractions from the move it has been hard to focus on my body but everyday I make sure I get standing, stretch it out and try to breathe. It has almost been 6 months since the move, I still don’t have a bathroom sink (and had 2 months with no indoor shower!) but I nearly have my greenhouse turned gym put back together and my dream cottage is finally feeling like home. 

This was a long process and took the help of many to make my new place accessible. I couldn’t have done it without the people who donated to my fundraiser last fall for my home modifications and to these generous people: Travis Roy foundationmy family (especially my dad), Big Sur River Inn, Eric Arnett, Tevye Morgenrath, Travis Trapkus, Belleci plumbing, Cordrey construction, Jenkins plastering, Kendra Morgenrath, Lyra Ordjonikidze, Aengus Wagner, Cyrus Bell, Kodiak Greenwood, Myles Lerner, Blaze Engineering, Will Drew, Jon Hyland, Alex Short, Cody Kenyon, Rob Acosta, Lyle Southall, Andy Perez, Dakota Michelson and many many more. Thank you!

Back in May I had the amazing opportunity to work with Apple. They came down and wrote an article about me and my iPhone photography. You can read that HERE. In July I saw Hamilton in San Francisco, it was amazing! In September we celebrated 10 years at Gallery Exposed, the gallery Evynn LeValley and I opened in 2009, a year before my injury and I recently just returned from a trip down to LA to visit my best friend and her beautiful growing family. I am grateful for these new memories and I cherish the old. Life continues on, in every unexpected way that it can... BE THE LIGHT.

To make a donation to my ongoing care and rehab you can send a check to:
Rachael Short SNT
PO Box 6445
Carmel, California 93921

or donate online at:

Thank you for being the light!

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