"I would like to say thank you for all of the generous donations that have been pouring in since Rachael's accident. The love and support has been overwhelming, I am in awe of her friendships.
Rachael's friends came from everywhere within hours of her accident. Vanessa & husband Pat flew in from Los Angeles, Fabie flew in from Hawaii, Caroline and her husband Dan were there almost immediately from Pleasanton. Jenny and Jon her good friends from Apple Pie were keeping us all fed in the waiting room, with Jenny making us very healthy snacks, (get well soon, we miss you). Vanessa's mom Annie rubbed her shoulders. Not to mention Tom O'neal, who flew down to Mexico to photograph a wedding for Rachael! There are so many thank you's I can't keep up.
Derric has been instrumental in being fully supportive of Rachael every step of the way. He has been there sleeping in the room overnight by her side and reading everyone's well wishes off his phone.

Her dad never left her side, reading to her until she fell asleep, and not missing a beat when it came to the many doctors that came in and out, he kept and is keeping track of every detail. Myself, I am not remembering much, I have been in a fog of sorts.

The progressive surgeries that were performed on Rachael are thanks to the diligent work of Pat Carey and Dr. Elliot Carlisle, reaffirmed through the contacts of Dene Oliver. And a special thanks to Dr. Ivan Cheng M.D. at Stanford Medical Center for performing these wonderful surgeries.
A huge thank you to the Big Sur River Inn for hosting a fundraiser on November 17th, I believe they have raised close to $16,000. Thank you to everyone who participated in "Running for Rachael", at the Big Sur half Marathon. Thanks to Michael Jones, who hosted a benefit at the Cachagua General Store on November 21st, I hear that they raised over $6000! I really wanted to be there to taste that wonderful food and see old friends, but it was my day for the hospital rotation, her dad, Derric and I have all been taking turns.

Oh, and a very big thank you to Marikay LeValley, Rachael's business partner Evynn's mother, for raising a years worth of rent for their gallery. Thank you too, Evynn for handling Gallery EXPOSED business and all of the friends and family (brother Alex) who have stepped in to help keep that running smoothly. And, Carina, Rachael's godmother (my best friend from high school) who's visit was too short, thank you for flying in from North Carolina. The look on Rachael's face when she saw you....not too mention your support for me.
All my family & friends have been amazing. Thank you!" -Katherine Jenkins (aka Mom)
*photos from the River Inn and General Store courtesy of Nic Coury and Evynn LeValley*
***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 161 Big Sur Ca. 93920***
***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************
Best wishes to you and for your speedy recovery, many here in Clay County, NC sending thoughts and prayers.
mike and shelagh whitney
Katherine, just catching up to this rough news, and awed at your Rachel's strength and grace and art. In my time warp, she's still your beautiful 10 year old daughter! She came up to the ranch at least once as an adult friend of long ago renters, but promptly snapped back to 10 in memory. Sending you, your family -and especially Rachel- love.
Kris, I thought of you not too long ago. Don't know if you do Facebook, but I am there. I am now Katherine Jenkins. I think I know how I can get a hold of you so hopefully I will talk to you soon.
ReplyDeleteYou are in my prayers Rachael! You are a super strong woman! My heart breaks for the tragedy you have been through, and my love goes out to you! Keep lookin up! You have alot of people who love you. Me included!!
Really Inspiring. Keep Kicking Ass! :)